Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan guides our work over the next three years in pursuit of our mission and vision and in line with our core values.

Our Strategic Directions
Improving our Participants Access to Quality Services
Build on our organizational base and continue to increase capacity, tools, and training to meet the dynamic needs of the network.
Play a coordinating role in helping CAAs improve client access to quality services.
Influencing Funding Opportunities
Work as an advocacy partner with the Governor, HLC, and other state agencies to influence funding opportunities and build a mutual understanding of the issues.
Diversify funding strategy and opportunities for MASSCAP and the network.
Being the Leading Voice on Poverty, Inequity, and the Critical Role of Community Action
Lead in the economic opportunity and anti-poverty work in the state through a unified and comprehensive agenda, thought leadership, and recognition by policy makers with influence.
Build a comprehensive communications plan for strong statewide messaging and branding that ensures more visibility for the network as an advocacy body and important service delivery system.