“Today’s frigid temperatures bring into sharp focus the need for state support for fuel assistance. We are so grateful to the Legislature and the Governor for allocating $57 million at the end of 2022 to help our vulnerable friends and neighbors cover their heating...

MASSCAP and South Shore Community Action Council Launch Annual Statewide Volunteer Free Tax Preparation Program for Low Income Families
Earned Income Tax Awareness Day Today the Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP) along with South Shore Community Action Council (SSCAC) were joined by Representative Kathleen LaNatra (12th Plymouth), Senators Elizabeth Warren (via video message),...
Direct Cash Payments Work to Lift Families Out of Poverty
As reported by Kathryn Carley, Public News Service: Listen Here. Advocates for low-income families in the Commonwealth said data showed direct cash payments to families helped bring childhood poverty to a record low during the pandemic. Programs such as the expanded...
Forum Looks at the Way Forward to Equity and Opportunity in Chelsea
Financial assistance during the pandemic such as expanded unemployment benefits, expansion and extension of the child tax credit, and additional SNAP benefits all contributed to direct reductions in poverty and racial disparities. The targeted benefits in federal...
MASSCAP, DHCD, Community Action Agencies, MEDA Launch Annual Statewide Heating Help Awareness Campaign
Home Energy Assistance Available November 1! Today, MASSCAP, Self Help Inc., along with the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the network of Community Action Agencies (CAAs) in Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Energy Directors...
Keeping Out the Cold: Weatherization Help for Those in Need
As reported by Kathryn Carley, Public News Service: Listen here. Community service agencies say many low- and moderate-income homes in the Commonwealth are unprepared for the winter cold and could benefit from a number of free weatherization and heating services,...
Preparing for Low Temperatures, High Energy Costs in MA
As reported by Kathryn Carley, Public News Service: Listen Here Community service agencies say requests for home heating assistance were increasing even before National Grid - the power company that serves many in the area - announced energy prices could jump nearly...
Massachusetts at a Crossroads: The Opportunity to Focus on Equity
Forum Looks at the Way Forward to Equity and Opportunity in Essex County Financial assistance during the pandemic such as expanded unemployment benefits, expansion and extension of the child tax credit, and additional SNAP benefits all contributed to direct reductions...
We Know What Works: How Covid Showed Ways to End Poverty
As reported by Kathryn Carley, Public News Service: Listen Here. Childhood poverty was cut nearly in half during the Covid pandemic due to expanded federal programs like the child tax credit, and stimulus payments, which also prevented some five million Americans from...
In MA, Green Jobs Abound for Home Energy Upgrades
As reported by Mike Moen, Public News Service: Listen Here. When it comes to "green jobs," installing solar panels and building wind turbines are often mentioned, and community action agencies in Massachusetts said the field has other career paths, including teams who...