More About Community Action
The Promise of Community Action
When was Community Action Established?
The “Community Action Program” (“CAP”) was established in 1964 by Congress as a centerpiece of the War on Poverty. The goal of the program, which is now part of the Community Services Block Grant, is to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and empower low-income individuals and families to achieve economic prosperity. The program is carried out by a national network of more than 1,000 designated Community Action Agencies (“CAAs”), which provide a diverse array of services to and advocacy on behalf of low-income individuals and families. History of Community Action
How do CAAs open doors to economic prosperity?
CAAs help hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts residents meet their basic needs and reach economic prosperity. In addition, CAAs play a major role in the economic well-being of local communities, providing jobs for residents and contracts to local businesses. CAAs are economic engines, providing communities with an annual infusion of over $250 million in total resources. CAAs generate twice that amount by helping clients become economically stable and mobile. CAAS operate up to 100 programs and services tailored to each communities’ needs. For more information, visit Programs.
How do CAA Boards represent their communities?
How are CAAs funded?
CAAs also receive funds from other federal sources, the state, and private contributors. A large portion of these resources are leveraged by CSBG funds. CAAs are also among the most cost-effective and innovative service and training agencies in the state, devoting less than 10 percent of resources to administration, leaving 90 percent of resources for programs.