As Reported by Deb Allard, The Herald News, Fall River: With winter on the way, Citizens for Citizens Inc. is accepting applications for its Fuel Assistance and Energy Efficiency program that starts Thursday, Nov. 1. The Massachusetts Association for Community Action,...

MASSCAP, Community Action Agencies Launches Annual Statewide Heating Help Awareness Campaign
A Focus on Fuel Assistance and Weatherization MASSCAP, along with Citizens for Citizens and the network of Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts, will launch its annual statewide awareness campaign on heating help including fuel assistance and energy efficiency...
Recent study shows poorest communities in Massachusetts found in western part of state
As Reported by Taylor Knight, 22WLLP News: A new study recently released by MassBudget found that some of the poorest communities are located in the Pioneer Valley. Almost 20,000 children are living in poverty in Hampden County, compared to 10,000 in Suffolk County....
Boston-based group stops in Springfield on statewide tour to kick around ideas on ways to end poverty
As Reported by Diane Lederman, MassLive/Springfield Republican: Thinking about health care beyond the doctor's office, offering smaller buses to reach rural residents and stepping out of silos to work collaboratively across the Pioneer Valley were some of the...
Public Programs Cut Child Poverty by More than Half, According to New Report on Poverty in Massachusetts: Forum Looks at Impact of Public Programs on Poverty in the Pioneer Valley
Effective programs that help families to make ends meet, like the Earned Income Tax Credit, SNAP, fuel assistance, school lunches, Head Start, and Social Security cut the number of people in Massachusetts living in poverty by almost half and reduce the number of...
Poverty topic of community action council forum at Mechanics Hall
As Reported by The Telegram: U.S. Rep. James P. McGovern said he was glad to be in Worcester Friday - where more than half of city children are near or below the federal poverty threshold - rather than continue to hear from legislators he said were out of touch with...
Forum on Poverty: Charter TV 3 News
As Reported by Chandler Walsh, Charter TV 3:
Forum Looks at Impact of Public Programs on Poverty in Greater Worcester
Public Programs Cut Child Poverty by More than Half, According to New Report on Poverty in Massachusetts Report Commissioned by MASSCAP and Written by MassBudget Looks at “Obstacles on the Road to Opportunity: Finding a Way Forward Together” Forum Looks at Impact of...